The Hi-Stakes is an hyperactive hyped hip Rhythm ‘n’ Blues band based in Amsterdam. Original tunes, with lyrics full of irony and passion, played authentically from a vast range of popular genres of the time, be it a lyrical blues ballad or an explosive rhythm ‘n blues number; in other words, their entirely original repertoire covers anything in between the jazz and the blues worlds.

Available in Brazil
March 2024

19/03 Blue Note - São Paulo/SP
20/03 Infinu - Brasilia/DF
21/03 Bolshoi Pub - Goiania/GO
24/03 Sesc - São Carlos/SP
26/03 Radio UFSCar - São Carlos/SP
26/03 Blue Crawfish Session - São Carlos/SP
27/03 Sesc - Piracicaba/SP
28/03 Sujinho's Bar - Rio Claro/SP
29/03 SpeakEasy - Ribeirão Preto/SP
30/03 Shakesville SP - São Paulo/SP
31/03 Rabeca Cultural - Campinas/SP
01/04 Mercado das Artes - Vinhedo/SP
02/04 Beco das Garrafas - Rio de Janeiro/RJ
03/04 Hotel Vila Galé - Rio de Janeiro/RJ